Readers – Life after the Upbeat blues
This is the second of two essays about the history and future of Reader ministry in the Church of England. If you have not read my first [...]
Readers – Three revivals and one crisis
If we want to discover the office of Reader in the New Testament, we are in for a hard time. There simply is no such thing, or [...]
Do pastors have their own kind of spirituality?
On the 25th of June 2017, the Old-Catholic Church in Amsterdam hosted a symposium on the question whether there is such a thing as a specific priestly [...]
Reforms and limitations of Vatican II
In 1964 The Roman Catholic Church held the Second Vatican Council and adopted a new dogmatic constitution dealing with how the Church understood itself, in other words [...]
Clergy and laity dualism
In this article, we will look at the grounds, if any, for distinguishing two groups of Christians, a laity and a clergy. First of all, it is [...]
The meaning and benefits of blessing
The words “blessing” and “to bless” are used a lot in Church, and in a variety of meanings. But what is the essence of these concepts, and [...]
The unhappy marriage of 2 words
How two Greek words (for priest and elder) became confused and how this still affects us today. This subject is kind of controversial between Catholics and Protestants, [...]
On the ownership of mission
One morning, the day after Easter 2017, I suddenly remembered an Archdeanery Synod report about “Mission Shaped Church”. It had called the bishop “the chief missioner” and [...]
Priesthood – as it was in the beginning
Intrigued by the distinction between clergy and laity, I have started to investigate the backgrounds of the Christian priesthood / ordained ministry and other forms of ministry. [...]
Trinity: One God, now and forever
Some years ago, Revd. Sam van Leer, who is now our Area Dean, shared a video clip with a funny cartoon about St. Patrick. Two Irish brothers [...]
The appearance of the eternal church
It was in the middle of January 2016 and the ecumenical service in the RC Bavo Basilica was over. Two people were rushing into the vestry when [...]
Signs of hope in times of trouble
No, I am not going to do it. I am not going to ask you if you are prepared for Christmas. Why not? Well, many people would instantly feel [...]
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